Monday, November 10, 2008

A Scene

Midnight - The Offices of the Notes Brothers, Cliff and Spark

Cliff: Spark, I'm almost done removing the beauty and grace from the latest Cormac McCarthy so that students can get good grades without doing any work.

Spark: Would you just shut up Cliff! First! Don't state our mission so openly, do you want to get us killed? Second! Some internet asshole just made his own version of us!

Cliff: I'm sure it's nothing, don't overreact like you always do to everything.

Spark: Would you just come over here and read it DAMMIT!

Cliff moseys over and reads Nick's Notes on Moby Dick.

Cliff: Damn, this guy's good. If we don't act, he could ruin our empire. It's like he sees right through us.

Spark: You know what to do Cliff. Just what Father Notes taught us. Take no prisoners.


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