Monday, October 1, 2007

'nother day, 'nother week, 'nother blog

Satisfied with the weekend. Pretty great. Recorded a demo of that old new song I was telling myself about in this blog. The other boys in the band seem happy with it and excited to work on it. I can only see it going in great directions.

Gonna try to get my gym on later. Try to cut my pudge off at the start so I don't look pregnant by the time I'm 50 like a lot of older white men I know. Or maybe I should cultivate my belly, and really make the most of genetic inevitability.

I just cannot take myself seriously in these blogs. I have some mental block about writing serious things in this format, or even not so serious things. It can't act as a journal, cuz there is always the possibility that someone will actually read it. But no one does, so I'm just writing this weird semi-biographical yet non-diary-entry stuff for myself in this weird language that I never quite use except when I'm writing for other people. I only know one other person that reads this, and I could just talk to her most of the time. I guess this is necessary just to have a foot in the door in case Google awards all bloggers with some money just for being so cutting edge. But you know we'll never see that Google money. They just refuse to recognize our collective genius. No, we'll never get dollar one from Google. Not a single penny.

Is that bad joke funny yet, or should I keep going with it?

You make the call.

1 comment:

Jess said...

"Or maybe I should cultivate my belly, and really make the most of genetic inevitability."
that's all I have to say